Monday, February 11, 2008

Who's the real hero???

So, we had some friends over on Friday night for a little Chinese New Year celebration. They were kind enough to introduce us to Guitar Hero. Saturday morning rolled around and Jeff was suspiciously quick to get a jump start on the day. He then proceeds to tell me that he's going to Toys R Us "to get birthday presents for Bekah." Need I say more??? We are now the proud owners of our very own Guitar Hero III. If you'll notice the picture, we think we might need to change our son's name to Axel. The pose and the facial expressions came all too easily for him. For those of you who haven't yet experienced Guitar Hero, we highly recommend it. Oh, and by the way, Bekah did get one birthday present out of the trip to Toys R Us, but it also involves a game for the Wii.


Jen said...

Michael cracks me up. I can't wait to see Axel on our next visit!

Kailee Anne said...

michael is so big nice guitar hero!!!! -kailee gallagher