Sunday, June 22, 2008

Michael scores a goal in Soccer

We told Michael if he scored a goal in soccer we would buy him some super hero action figures. Anyways all year long he has not even come close. I try to get him to remember to do 3 things 1) keep your eyes on the ball 2) run fast and 3) kick hard.

On the last game of the year as we are getting situated on the sidelines I looked around to see where Michael is and he isn't on the field where the rest of our team is. I look around some more and then I see him except he is on an adjacent field where a game is in progress between two other teams.

Michael then proceeds to skillfully steal the ball from one of their players, streak down the field and boot it into the goal. With stunned parents looking around wondering where this kids parents are, Michael has the proudest look on his face. I told Linsee what he just did and he proudly ran over thinking that he had just gotten his coveted X-Men figures. We told him good job but that it was the wrong game that he scored in! He looked so deflated and kind of moped around during his real game!

Now before you think we are really mean parents -- yes, we ended up giving him the X-men action figures for scoring a goal. It was cute because I guess Bekah had said a prayer at lunch that day that he would be able to score a goal and Michael told me he said a prayer in his head before the game. It wasn't the way I thought the prayer would be answered but definitely more entertaining.


Jodi Gallagher said...

That is so cute! I would have loved to seen that game! Miss ya guys!

Jessica / Brian Bangerter said...

That is so Funny, I really wish we could of been there to witness that. Mason has just finished another soccer season, it's really fun to see the kids play and get so excited when they score a goal.

Sheri said...

That is so sweet - my kids all loved the story. I can just imaging how proud he must have looked!!!

LindaO said...

Oh my heck! I bet you were just laughing so hard. That's adorable!