Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best Buddies

Michael and Ally have become little buddies, and often partners in crime. She loves to follow her big brother around. Michael is good at teasing her, but she's a good sport.

They like to eat lunch together on the patio. They always want to sit next to each other and never across from each other. Good thing they are both fairly light or the table would tip over!

I'll often find them sitting out on the steps eating something they've snuck from the pantry. But, they look so cute that I try to ignore the ants trekking into my kitchen to eat the trail of cookie crumbs they've left behind.

Yesterday night, it was pouring rain. Michael was all dressed for his soccer game, which was cancelled, and was dead set on playing outside. So Michael and Ally decided to go outside and play in the rain. They had a great time and came in soaking wet. Note the headband on Ally's forehead. She loves it and will ONLY wear it in that position.


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I was the same way with my big brother. :)

mali said...

You are so lucky they get along. Sam and Madi have been at each other's throats for a long time. It's not a fun thing.
I love your pictures. Your kids always look so happy & so cute!

Jodi Gallagher said...

That's the same with Bry and Alyssa! Bry won't know what to do when Alyssa goes to kindergarten in August! Jeff and I always did alot together! I was his side kick. Your family is beautiful!

Skeeutopia said...

So great to see them as such great buddies. You will forever need to archive this for the inevitable turmoil teenage-hood will probably bring to their relationship. They are so sweet.

Garrett-Ashley & our Peanuts said...

Hmmm, that doesn't sound at all like Michael does it? He obviously had his mind made up and that was the end of it. Ally seems to enjoy absolutely EVERYTHING!!! I love the headband!!
Your kiddos are so cute.
Lots of Hugs and Kisses from the Maudsley's

kenzi said...

hi guys this is kenzi.
i love your blog it is so awesome!!

if you want to go to my blog it is

and maddi's is

and my mom and dad's one is

but they have not much stuff on their blog yet cause i just made it for her a couple days ago.

ps. i love your blog and becka and michael and ally are growing up so fast!!

-kenzi christensen

Teuscher said...

I was doing random searches one night and found your blog- it sure is fun to see everyone growing up!